so what has your company done for you? too much.

Jonathan Watts- Lay, Di­rec­tor, WEALTH at work, spoke with The Independent in regards to employers playing an increasingly central role in your financial lives.

Jonathan Watts-lay re­-calls one employee taking out high- interest loans that spi­ralled out of control despite her employer – a local authority – offering a benefits package that included a deal with a bank to help con­sol­i­date debts cheaply.

Jonathan Watts-Lay says: “Had she understood the benefits on offer, she might never have got into that position in the first place,” he says. “Companies offer benefits for good reasons – to attract and retain staff – but there is often a breakdown in communication.”

However, it is potentially dangerous to have your pay packet and savings tied up together, warns Jonathan Watts- Lay. “Shares in the company you work for can seem like a safe bet but you need to think about di­ver­si­fi­ca­tion; you don’t want all your eggs in one basket.”

To read the full article from The Independent please click below.

So what has your company done for you? Too much

The Independent on Sunday
Feb 8 2015

Our employers aren’t just our bosses any more. They kickstart our retirement savi ngs, manage our childcare fees, healthcare plans and even death benefits, and now they will be able to hand out interestfree loans to help us cover our rental deposits….read more…