
Protect your redundancy pay from scams. - 27th October 2020

Given the many recent redundancies announced, it is inevitable that as coronavirus continues, more redundancies are likely. Scammers often see turbulent times like these as an […]

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How affording retirement can be more achievable than many think. - 14th October 2020

The finances of many are being impacted by COVID-19, especially those who are unfortunately facing redundancy and are approaching retirement. The over 50s are far more likely to slip into long-term unemployment, with just one in three (35%) returning to work quickly, compared to two in three (63%) workers aged 25-34.

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How to manage on a reduced income. - 6th October 2020

WEALTH at work provides ideas on how to manage your finances should you find yourself facing a reduced income through redundancy or a change in your salary.

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Retiring in a crisis – what you need to know. - 28th September 2020

Key financial considerations for those planning to retire or facing unplanned early retirement There is no doubt that COVID-19 has impacted the financial lives of many […]

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Contingent charging for DB pension transfers banned from 1st October. - 22nd September 2020

The ban on contingent charging for defined benefit (DB) pension transfers, where financial advisers only get paid if a transfer goes ahead, takes effect from 1 October 2020.

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How to make the most of your redundancy pay. - 21st September 2020

The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme comes to an end on 31 October 2020 in which a third of the UK workforce were furloughed. Given the […]

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top five things to think about before withdrawing from your pension. - 25th August 2020

With many household incomes under pressure following the impact of coronavirus, it may be tempting for those aged over 55 to consider withdrawing from their pension […]

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How to avoid losing your pension to scams. - 18th June 2020

The impact COVID-19 has had on pension savings and the fact that many household incomes are under extreme pressure means individuals are now at greater risk of falling for a scam.

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How to use income drawdown to minimise tax. - 16th June 2020

There are many advantages to choosing to use income drawdown to access your pension, one of the main ones is being able to access your assets in the most tax efficient manner.

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Knee jerk reactions during Covid-19 could cost pension savers. - 29th May 2020

Due to the global stock market volatility and the fact that household incomes are coming under extreme pressure, people aged 55 or over may be tempted to access their pension.

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